case Study
Gold'N West Surplus
Our unique method can get you ready for ISO certification in as quick as 30 days with no compromises.
Our unique method can get you ready for ISO certification in as quick as 30 days with no compromises.
Gold’N West Surplus
Renata Kopper, Safety and Compliance Manager
Corona, CA
I’m Renata Kopper, and the Safety and Compliance Manager for Gold’N West Surplus. We’re an E-waste recycler, and I handle both the Gold’N West as well as Monitor and CRT Recyclers of California (MAC).
Two years ago, I think it was, Gold’N West was having their regular surveillance audit, and we were told that because Monitor and CRT Recyclers was in the same building the whole issue of the co-location was no longer just simple separation, now they had to be R2 as well. But it all worked out. I then contacted Compliancehelp so that we could get MAC its own certification, which we got taken care of, and so now it is just a matter of keeping it up.
Q: What did you think of Compliancehelp’s help?
Oh It was great because I knew that I couldn’t do it by myself, and even though I had experience with Gold’N West, but I wasn’t there at the very beginning, so I wasn’t part of putting it together. So I had no idea really how to start at that process, so when we contacted you it was great to be able to get that just from the very start of how to do it. And It was good being able to do it online. Sometimes it’s kind of frustrating because it’s like the in person interaction sometimes is better. I’m old school in that way. You know, everyone wants to do everything online. But It was good that you were able to remotely get on to the computer and show us, you know, what we needed to do, and get everything put together. So that was really good.
Q: Where did Compliancehelp make a difference?
There’s no way I could have done it by myself. I definitely needed that help because in maintaining it and keeping it moving forward, I don’t have any issues with that, but Just doing that start was really important.
Q: Has working with Compliancehelp been a benefit?
Well I think so because I was able to talk to you about the issues Gold’N West was having with the certification and you were able to help me with that quite a bit. And then now with the new standard you’re going to be helping me with that too as well. So yes it’s definitely a benefit.
Q: Has R2 certification been a benefit?
I believe so, yes. For Gold’N West it’s always been important because of especially some of the government contracts that our owner has, so being R2 and having the all different certifications has been definitely a benefit for the company.